Publications (since move to UMD in 2022)
Galishnikova A., Philippov A., Quataert E., Chatterjee K., Liska M., Strongly magnetized accretion with low angular momentum produces a weak jet, 2024, arXiv:2409.11486, accepted to ApJ.
Meyer E., et al., including Philippov A., Emergence of a radio jet in the changing-look AGN 1ES 1927+654, arXiv:2406.18061, accepted to ApJL, 2024.
Chernoglazov A., Philippov A., Timokhin A., Coherence of Multi-Dimensional Pair Production Discharges in Polar Caps of Pulsars, ApJL, 2024.
Caputo A., Witte S., Philippov A., Jacobson T., Pulsar Nulling and Vacuum Radio Emission from Axion Clouds, PRL, 2024.
Mbarek R., Philippov A., Chernoglazov A., Levinson A., Mushotzky R., The Interplay between accelerated Protons, X-rays and Neutrinos in the Corona of NGC 1068: Constraints from Kinetic Plasma Simulations, PRD, 2024.
Sur A., Yuan Y., Philippov A., Radio polarisation of millisecond pulsars with multipolar magnetic fields, ApJ, 2024.
Bacchini F., Philippov A., Fundamental, Harmonic, and Third-harmonic Plasma Emission from Beam-plasma Instabilities: A First-principles Precursor for Astrophysical Radio Bursts, MNRAS, 2024.
Groselj D., Hakobyan H., Beloborodov A., Sironi L., Philippov A., Ab Initio Turbulent Comptonization in Magnetized Coronae of Accreting Black Holes, PRL, 2024.
Davelaar J., Ripperda B., Sironi L., Philippov A., Olivares H., Porth O., van den Berg B., Bronzwaer T., Chatterjee K., Liska M., Synchrotron polarization signatures of surface waves in supermassive black hole jets, ApJL, 2023.
Chernoglazov A. Hakobyan H., Philippov A., High-Energy Radiation and Ion Acceleration in Three-dimensional Relativistic Magnetic Reconnection with Strong Synchrotron Cooling, ApJ, 2023.
Galishnikova A., Philippov A., Quataert E., Polarized anisotropic synchrotron emission and absorption and its application to Black Hole Imaging, ApJ, 2023.
Jia H., Ripperda B., Quataert E., White C., Chatterjee K., Philippov A., Liska M., Millimeter Observational Signatures of Flares in Magnetically Arrested Black Hole Accretion Models, MNRAS, 2023.
Most E., Philippov A., Electromagnetic precursors to black hole - neutron star gravitational wave events: Flares and reconnection-powered fast-radio transients from the late inspiral, ApJL, 2023.
Zhdankin V., Ripperda B., Philippov A., Particle acceleration by magnetic Rayleigh-Taylor instability: Mechanism for flares in black hole accretion flows, Physical Review Research, 2023.
Kempski P., Fielding D., Quataert E., Galishnikova A., Kunz M., Philippov A., Ripperda B., Cosmic ray transport in large-amplitude turbulence with small-scale field reversals, MNRAS, 2023.
Mahlmann J., Philippov A., Mewes V., Ripperda B., Most E., Sironi L., Three-dimensional Dynamics of Strongly Twisted Magnetar Magnetospheres: Kinking Flux Tubes and Global Eruptions, ApJL, 2023.
Fielding D., Ripperda B., Philippov A., Plasmoid Instability in the Multiphase Interstellar Medium, ApJL, 2023.
Most E., Philippov A., Reconnection-Powered Fast Radio Transients from Coalescing Neutron Star Binaries, PRL, 2023. Editors' suggestion highlited in APS Physics.
Galishnikova A., Philippov A., Quataert E., Bacchini F., Parfrey K., Ripperda B., Collisionless Accretion onto Black Holes: Dynamics and Flares, PRL, 2023. Journal Cover.
Hakobyan H., Ripperda B., Philippov A., Radiative Reconnection-powered TeV Flares from the Black Hole Magnetosphere in M87, ApJL, 2023.
Hakobyan H., Philippov A., Spitkovsky A., Magnetic Energy Dissipation and gamma-Ray Emission in Energetic Pulsars, ApJ, 2023.
Mahlmann J. F., Vanthieghem A., Philippov A., Levinson A., Nakar E., Fiuza F., Magnetically driven coupling in relativistic radiation-mediated shocks, MNRAS, 2023.
Crinquand B., Cerutti B., Dubus G., Parfrey K., Philippov A., Synthetic Images of magnetospheric reconnection-powered radiation around supermassive black holes, PRL, 2022. Editors' suggestion featured in APS Physics.
Philippov A., Kramer M., Pulsar magnetospheres and their radiation, invited review article in Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2022.
Mahlmann J., Philippov A., Levinson A., Spitkovsky A., Hakobyan H., Electromagnetic fireworks: Fast radio bursts from rapid reconnection in the compressed magnetar wind, ApJL, 2022. Highlighted by AAS Nova.
Most E., Philippov A., Electromagnetic precursor flares from the late inspiral of neutron star binaries, MNRAS, 2022.
Yuan Y., Beloborodov A., Chen A., Levin Y., Most E.; Philippov A., Magnetar bursts due to Alfven wave nonlinear breakout, ApJ, 2022.
Tolman E., Philippov A., Timokhin A., Electric field screening in pair discharges and generation of pulsar radio emission, ApJL, 2022.
Most E., Noronha J., Philippov A., Modeling general-relativistic plasmas with collisionless moments and dissipative two-fluid magnetohydrodynamics, MNRAS, 2022.
Ripperda B., Liska M., Chatterjee K., Musoke G., Philippov A., Markoff S., Tchekhovskoy A., Younsi Z., Black Hole Flares: Ejection of Accreted Magnetic Flux through 3D Plasmoid-mediated Reconnection, ApJL, 2022.
Vanthieghem A., Mahlmann J., Philippov A., Nakar E., Fiuza F., The role of plasma instabilities in relativistic radiation mediated shocks: stability analysis and particle-in-cell simulations, MNRAS, 2022.
Coleman M., Rafikov R., Philippov A., Boundary Layers of Accretion Disks: Discovery of Vortex-Driven Modes and Other Waves, MNRAS, 2022.
Coleman M., Rafikov R., Philippov A., Boundary Layers of Accretion Disks: Wave-Driven Transport and Disk Evolution, MNRAS, 2022.